[The Moon Page]
[====] [====]
Current view of the moon:
[Current Moon Image]
Date: 10/21/2024 at 6:00:00 pm
Age: Waning Gibbous (240.5 degrees)
Phase: 74.6% illuminated
Recent and Upcoming Moon Phases
1st Q: 10/10/2024 2:56 pm EDT
Full: 10/17/2024 7:27 am EDT
3rd Q: 10/24/2024 4:05 am EDT
New: 11/01/2024 8:48 am EDT
1st Q: 11/09/2024 12:56 am EDT
Full: 11/15/2024 4:29 pm EDT
[Moon-Earth Pic]
The image above shows the earth-moon system to scale (1:4,320,000).

Items of Lunar Interest
[Moon Icon] More moon images, you ask? Race through time with the moon phase movie (397 K). Still bored? Have you ever wondered what would happen if the moon blew up (460 K)? Yow!
[Moon Icon] How about some views of the moon you can't get from the earth? Here is an amazing image (54 K) of the earth-lit new moon (that bright dot at the bottom is Venus). The Galileo probe, while on its way to Jupiter, captured this picture (57 K) of the earth-moon system.
[Moon Icon] So where did I get the image map of the moon? Some tax money and the USGS Clementine mission was a big help! The probe mapped both the near and far sides (96 K) of the moon.
[Moon Icon] For the current view of the earth (city lights, topological detail and all), try the Earth View Expert. Along these lines, if you're a friend of Unix and X-Windows, try the The X-Earth Home Page.
[Moon Icon] Interested in the astronomy, the earth, or just looking at the sky? Try the NSF's Earth and Sky site.
[Moon Icon] Everything you've ever wanted to know about the planets in the solar system (including a lot of great pictures) can be found at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Welcome to the Planets site.
[Moon Icon] Telescopes are your thing? The Hubble Space Telescope is hard to beat...although the Gemini Project telescope is setting a new standard for ground-based telescopes.

Design notes: I can't really claim that the idea for this page was mine...the Directorate of Time has an excellent site focussed mainly on clocks and time (of course!), along with something similar to what I have here. The basic method: I took a cylindrically projected albedo map of the moon, wrapped it around a sphere, then used POV-Ray to do the hard work of correctly lighting a sphere with a rotating light source. I've probably exaggerated the smoothness of the day-night terminator (in real life it's a little more abrupt), and over-emphasized the lighting of the moon due to the earth, but hey, does all that really matter as long as it looks nice? Thanks to CoolType for the idea of the title text, and to Chris Colefax for the excellent POV-Ray explosion routine.

This page was last updated: 2024-02-11. Not really, just reformatted.
You can go here to see what this web page looked like on August 17, 2000.